Virtual Mesotherapy Skeyndor MesoScience has been designed to carry aestethetic therapies
with special developed Skeyndor products.
Virtual Mesotherapy utilises electromagnetic current concept named electroporation. The phenomenon, discovered by Dr Praunist, based on 2003 Nobel Prize in Chemistry works
allows delivering highly potent natural ingredients into the deep layer of the skin to achieve extraordinary results.
NO-NEEDLE MESO has positive effects upon lymphatic drainage, blood circulation at the level of epidermis.
There are four components to the technology.
- Activating Current - Promotes greater vascularisation ensuring maximum amount of active ingredient is absorbed uniformly. As a positive side effects can reduce appearance of spider veins and enlarged capillaries.
- Hydroelectrophoresis - Help active ingredients in water solutions to penetrate inside the skin tissue and transports molecules across the dermal barrier.
- Electroporation - Promotes electropermeability of the cell membrane which helps the passage of substances. (This is virtual needles part of the discovery).
- Cryophoresis - Application of cold temperature to lock the active ingredients into the skin cells. It also moves substances into lower layers under optimum conditions so that more is reabsorbed.
This improves the performance of the solution's active ingredients.
Skeyndor MesoScience technology does not use injections. It actually infuses microscopic quantities of highly concentrated potent actives (such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and plant extracts) to the connective tissue to help stimulate synthesis of the skin natural matrix (collagen, elastin and
hyaluronic acid).
The ingredients work from within the cells, making this method the most advanced available today.

Skeyndor MesoScience Virtual Mesotherapy Summary
No Needle MesoTherapy are results driven treatments. In essence with Virtual Mesotherapy we are delivering active ingredients at cellular level (we're actually able to penetrate through the cellular membrane for the first time without use of needles), regenerating the cell and providing longer lasting tremendous results.
Skeyndor MesoScience Virtual Mesotherapy Treatment Plans
Skeyndor Virtual MesoTherapy treatments are scheduled 1 facial treatment per week over few months period depending on the severity of the case.
Usually results of the treatments seen immediately. To 'super charge' the process enquiry about Home Care pack.
Other Conditions to treat
- Softer wrinkles
- Fewer blemishes
- Removal of acne and scarring
- Skin glowing
MesoScience Virtual Mesotherapy Post Treatment Advice
Few simple techniques aestheticians advise
- Avoid heat, saunas and Jacuzzis
- Avoid creams with retinolic or glycoloic acid
- Do not sun bathe for at least 24 hours before and after treatment
- Always wash face with cold water