related to
Nasolabia folds
  • Expression Lines
  • Wrinkles around mouse
  • Wrinkles around nose
  • Facial deep folds


Facial Anti-wrinkle Injections Melbourne


facial beauty

Melbourne Facials
Nasolabial Folds and Grooves

At a younger age we can see the nasolabial folds as slightly depressed lines and for some people they are almost not visible at all. As we age the depression lines deepen and visibility of nasolabial groove increases thus creating the look of an older person.

The effect of age and gravity makes the cheek pads on each side of the face becomes more pronounced and they sag over the fold where it reaches the mouth.

As a result, the nasolabial folds & groove become clearly visible and cosmetically undesirable.

Other terms for nasolabial folds are nasolabial groove, parenthesis, lip-cheek folds, lip-cheek groove, lip cheek crease.


nasolabial folds

Most common cosmetic treatments are anatomical removal, liposuction, facelift, or dermal filler injections of volume fillers, skin hydrator fillers or Radiessse.

Nasolabial Folds and dermal filler injections

Dermal fillers can be used to replace volume loss in the area to lessen the appearance of expression lines or folds. Dermal Fillers used contain the substance found in our body and/or bio calcium – both naturally occurring substances in the human body (the one used in injections is usually made in labs though).

Sometimes replacing volume in the cheek area can be a more appropriate treatment approach. Placing implant in the submalar area below the cheekbone also softens the upper part of the nasal labial folds. This is a permanent solution, but it also comes with more significant downtime and risks than do injectables.


Nasolabial Groove procedure

The first step is to consult with a qualified doctor to discuss your concerns regarding your nasolabial folds. He or she will evaluate your nasolabial folds along with your other facial features. Once you explain your concerns and aesthetic goals along with what you are hoping to achieve with nasolabial fold correction, your doctor can make some treatment recommendations.

In most cases dermal filles offers what is essentially an instant correction for these deep lines. Sometimes in addition few units of Anti-wrinkle Injections may really improve folds appearance. However only you and your doctor can decide if it is the right procedure for you and recommend treatment plan.


Melbourne Facial Beauty
Nasolobial Fold Summary

Condition Fillers Cost
  • Expression lines
  • Lines wrinkles around the nose and the mouth
  • Deep folds
In most cases,
Nasolabial Groove will require 1 syringe.

Last 6-24 months depending on type.

Ranges from $650 depending on type

After nasolabial fold injection, it is possible to apply make-up if applicable, and to go about your normal activities. We usually ask you to refrain from heavy exercise however.

Treatment with dermal fillers sometimes does take more than one session to get the best results. The first treatment lays the foundation for the subsequent treatments, and future treatments allow for any adjustments to be made.


What Causes Nasolabial Fold?

The most significant factors in addition to chronological ageing that contribute to the prominence of the fold are

  • Excess skin
  • Skin thinning
  • Excess cheek fat
  • Ptosis of cheek fat
  • Sun damage •
  • Volume loss
  • Muscle action
free consult Melbourne Facials here to help you find your perfect antiaging treatment.
Talk to us about what you would like to achieve at you comprehensive no obligation consultation.
Melbourne Facial Beauty TEXT/CALL 614 29 828 185
Open late on Wednesday and all day on Saturday