The filler® is a soft volume filler to enhance facial contours, such as nasolabial folds or nasolabial groove, cheekbones, lips, or nose and to smooth out wrinkles or folds.
You can enjoy beautiful natural results from a treatment with immediate and lasting effect without surgery.
It is a hydrogel that feels and behaves like it is a natural part of your own body.
It consists of 97.5 % water and 2.5% of cross-linked soft gel polymer
completely integrated with your body’s own tissue.
The hydrogel does not contain any micro-particles, which means that the filling effect comes from the gel itself – not from a foreign body reaction to the micro-particles. Therefore,
it does not create tissue hardening or fibrosis.
What you see is what you get. The volume it supplies remains in place beneath the skin in harmony with your body.
The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Guidelines do not allow the use of specific medical product names on the internet. Therefore all references on this site refer to approved headings of anti-wrinkle injections
and dermal fillers.
Contura is a medical technology company based in Denmark that develops and commercializes soft tissue fillers.
Contura was established in 2000 and has been wholly owned by Idosan A/S (Denmark), since 2002.
It's an excellent comprehensive procedure to overall facial rejuvenation.
It can be used alone or in combination with skin care from
home treatments to
IPL skin rejuvenation.
Volume & Skin
Volume is one of the secrets behind a beautiful face.
As the body ages volume beneath the skin is unsurprisingly lost, resulting in wrinkles and folds.
A beautiful youthful appearance can only be re-established if volume is replaced.
You can
- Rejuvenate your appearance by restoring lost volume
- Adding extra volume to enhance your lips
- Smoothing away deeper wrinkles and folds from beneath
- Enhance the contours of your face
- Create the high cheekbones
- Shape your nose without surgery
- Reduce the prominence of scars
- Smooth dimples after liposuction
You’ll just look and feel fresher and better – and no one need know why!
Permanent Dermal Filler Cost
Schedule no obligation appointment with a doctor to determine if
® fillers are right for you.
Long acting filler comes in one syringe sizes, in most cases one syringe can provide full correction.
On average, one syringe costs approximately $1400.
Additional syringes may attract discount when bought
within 2 weeks after the initial dermal filler injection.
The treatment is also cost-effective over the long term. The results obtained using A are
immediate since the gel is homogenous and does not contain any micro-particles.
After the first treatment, a progress treatment may be required after six to twelve months. After that the result should last five years
Who is not suitable for long acting filler injection?
Patients with the following conditions are strongly advised to avoid these fillers:
- Prone to chronic infections
- Prone to severe allergic reactions
- Pregnant or breast feeding
- Active cold sores
- Taking cortisone
- Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- Taking anti-coagulant medication
If there is any doubt, please discuss all matters with the treating doctor.
Treatment Guide
0. Prior to the treatment - we recommend the use of an antibiotic tablet and ointment to minimize the risk of infection. If your are having you lip volume enhanced, we also recommend that you use Arnica for 48 hours prior to the procedure.
1. Consultation - doctor will examine your
skin and will discuss how treatment can restore your
youthful appearance and self-confidence.
2. ® treatment is administered by doctor through a safe, simple procedure. With the use of a local anesthetic,
permanent dermal filler is injected under the skin in a continuous stream through a very fine needle. It is injected into the appropriate facial planes needed for augmentation and correction.
Ice can be applied before treatment, to assist the effect of the anaesthetic, and after treatment to help the skin to settle.
3. You will see the results of your treatment immediately.
treatments have little to no down time, with most
patients returning to normal activities soon after
4. We also recommend that you continue the prescribed antibiotics and ointment following the treatment. Some swelling of the treated area will be present which will settle overnight
Difference between a long-acting filler and other fillers?
All dermal fillers are effective at reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
As always your experience is unique for every case.
A long acting filler is a synthetic gel that will remain in the skin for many years without generating any inflammation or immunological reaction.
Correction achieved with fillers last for very long periods of time approaching five years and possibly longer.
We always advice our patients who just started with dermal fillers or thinking
to start to try shorter acting fillers first until they are ready for a
permanent fillers.

- Has a proven track record for safety and lasting
satisfaction based on seven years of experience and more
than 300 000 treatments administered
- Has clinically proven aesthetic satisfaction for
years. In a long-term clinical trial physicians judged the aesthetic results at one, two and four years after
the procedure. The outcome rated as very good or good in more than 90% of the patients. Furthermore, more than 90% of the patients were either very satisfied or satisfied at the one, two and four year-follow-up. Data after five years shows similar aesthetic results and patient satisfaction