Why Cosmedix?
Retailers and supermarkets are not allowed to sell skin care containing Active ingredients and the ones listed on the packs have to be less than 1%.
Over the counter products contain very small amounts of active
ingredients that they will not make any changes to the skin. They are called "Coat and Cover" products, because of the
nice packaging, aromatic smell, and well organised marketing
campaign. However little or no affect to the skin long term.
Cosmedix products contain:
- Vitamin A - improves the wrinkles associated with natural aging and
helps promoting the production of skin-building compounds.
Aging skin loses its youthful appearance by becoming
thinner, laxer and more finely wrinkled.
Cosmedix REFINE is the chirally purified product
that contains AGP Complex (Vitamin A) with strength
range from 4% to 12%. AGP is a transdermal
ingredient that tricks the skin into working like a
younger skin. Refine is also a powerful anti-oxidant
which reduces free radical activity in the skin and
regulates the oil flow in the skin (good for
acne regulation). Refine is also addressing pigmentation
on a cellular level by correcting the cell changes
You may experience some skin shedding, as Vitamin
A Complex stimulates the cell turnover and the skin
will be pushing up new cells. As you continue using
the product the skin becomes healthier and younger
then ever.
The Retinol product is Not suitable for pregnant
and lactating women. It also makes you
photosentsitive at the start of using REFINE
- AHA - Alpha hydroxy acids - natural exfoliants performs a number of functions at the level of the stratum corneum on the skin's surface. They loosen and dissolve dead cells from the skin's surface and help to
regenerate new skin cells, aid in the control of acne, smooth rough dry skin, improve the texture of sun-damaged and
aging skin and retain moisture which leaves your skin healthy and vibrant.
AHA is a fruit weak organic acids derived from various
sources such as, grapes, apples, sugar cane, maple,
pineapple, papaya, willow bark, lemon, lime, sour milk,
blackberries, yoghurt and cider, and play an important
role in skin care.
Cosmedix DEFY is a powerful cocktail of
AHA's. DEFY will decongest and get rid of old dead
cells and assist penetration of dermal ingredients.
DEFY helps to even skin texture, minimise enlarged
pores and diminish epidermal pigmentation
- Vitamin C - heals, protects and hydrates the
skin. It's a great skin protector from environmental
pollution. It helps with pigmentation because of its
natural lightening qualities. Topical Vitamin C is the only ingredient which directly stimulates the skin's fibroblasts, providing the spark that produces living
collagen in concert with specific chains of amino acids.
The only condition though Vitamin C must be in stable
form, active and able to be absorbed, and remain so throughout the life of a product once opened
or mixed with other agents.
Cosmedix Pure C crystals are in a powder form
and only activated once you apply the agent and mix
it up. So it's active as soon as you are. Vitamin C
is taken up in the skin through evaporation. The
thinnest liquid available is Benefit Balance which
also contains anti-oxidants and Purity Balance which
perfect for acneic skin.
purchase these specialised products
click here
Make an appointment TEXT/CALL 614 29 828 185/font>
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Cosmedix Peels
What do you prefer for your skin harsh and damaging
chemicals or soothing and natural products which are also
effective. The answer is obvious.
Traditional chemical peels create a change by destroying
healthy tissue, forcing the body to heal itself. Whereas
CosMedix peels are most
advanced and non-traumatic, produce healthy change in the skin
assisting in creation of a beautifu, renewed
Cosmedic Today’s Peels can be used without
any prior preparation of the skin.
- Purity Peel clears the skin of acne lesions,
controls sebaceous activity, reduces inflammation and
- Benefit Peel delivers a blend of nourishing and
stimulating ingredients into the skin layers. The best all
around peel available.
- Blueberry Smoothie invigorates and exfoliates
the skin with the use of a gentle acid and active
blueberry extracts.
- Pomegranate Peel infuses skin with antioxidants
to prevent free radical damage and mildly stimulates
- Jessner Peel reduces fine lines and improves
the appearance of mature skin. Also brightens skin tone.
Exceptional acne drying treatment.

Cosmedix Tomorrow’s Peels need 10 to 30 days advance
Pre Peel Prep Kit
prepares the skin for deeper peels by increasing circulation
and providing skin-building components. Your skin will enjoy less irrigation and more stimulation, and thus be able to better receive the ingredients contained in the peel.
- Deep Sea Peel generate collagen and stimulate deeper cellular turnover.
- Timeless Peel dramatically reduces the visible signs of aging. Contains 30% chirally corrected L-Reitnol
A to generate immense activity on the skin to improve
composition and elasticity.
CosMedix and IPL
CosMedix products and Cosmedix Peels used in conjunction with your
IPL treatments is essential in achieving the maximum benefits for your skin.
See results in as short as two weeks.
Cosmedix - "medical strength cosmeciticals"
To purchase these specialised products or for further information TEXT/CALL 614 29 828 185