Have you ever wondered what foods you might eat to keep youthful and have beautiful face and skin?
Here is just a short
list of healthy diet and natural foods.

Vitamin D is essential for healthy teeth, bones and nails as well as for the assimilation of calcium and phosphorus. It promotes healthy eyes, skin and teeth.
Source of Vitamin D: sun in moderation; milk - preferably sheep/goat/lactose free, beef liver, salmon, tuna, unsalted butter, spouted seeds. Synthetic Vitamin D is manufactured from
fish liver oils so makes more sense to purchase natural cod liver oil or omega 3 oils instead.
Vitamin E helps form muscles and tissue to prevent wrinkles and premature
ageing of skin. It helps prevent dry, dull skin, age spots. It improves circulation and healing of scars.
However be cautious before taking supplements with Vitamin E if you have diabetes, low blood
pressure or overactive thyroid.Source of Vitamin E: Whole wheat bread, whole grains, asparagus,
broccoli, brussel sprouts, free range eggs yolks, olives, soybeans, sunflower seeds, nuts, vegi oils.
Skin is mainly protein. Protein molecules are not absorbed through the epidermis into underlying tissues. A deficiency of proteins is indicated by the skin becoming slack and loose.Source of Protein: Natural sources for protein collagen foods are avocados, nuts, sesame seeds, whole grain cereals, lean meats, fish, chemical free poultry, soybeans.
The unsaturated fats in vegetable oils assist assimilation of fat-soluble vitamin A and vitamin D. Hence creating fresh face of youth.
Source of Fat:Olive oil, linseed, nuts, various seeds and avocado.
Water gives the skin the necessary moisture and
radiant look. At least six glasses of water should be taken daily. Water clears the body from all toxins and blood from impurities. Water also
protects skin against pimples. Skin dehydration and fluid retention are both due to
inadequate water intake.
Source of Water:Water.
Calcium and Phosphorus are necessary to clear blemished skin and revitalise lifeless, tired-looking skin.
Source of Calcium and Phosphorus:Milk products, whole wheat, leafy
vegetables, salmon, sardines, shellfish, soybeans, walnuts, orange, lemon, lean meats.
Chromium improves circulation for healthy skin and hair.
Copper is important for the production of the skin
pigment and for prevention of the blotches under the skin from
ruptured blood vessels. It also cooperated with other nutrients to
preserve the integrity of the fibres supporting the skin. Iron is essential for healthy skin colour.
Magnesium is required to prevent skin disorders.
Potassium helps maintain healthy skin and prevent puffiness.
Selenium maintains skin elasticity. Zink aids in the
formation of collagen. It helps prevent wrinkles,
dry skin and
stretch marks and promotes blemish healing.
Source of Minerals:Whole grains, lean meat, nuts, shellfish, leafy greens, dried fruits, soy beans, bananas, free range eggs. |